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Funds for Chamber and Symphonic Works Commissions Available

Posted by Koussevitzky Foundation ; Posted on 
Funding - DEADLINE :  
Funds for Chamber and Symphonic Works Commissions Available





Koussevitzky Music Foundation Commissioning Program

Grants are available for USA, Canada, and International performing organizations to commission chamber and symphonic music compositions. This program is primarily intended for chamber groups and orchestras demonstrating excellence in the presentation of contemporary music. Applications will be accepted from performing organizations and composers of any nationality.


Grant Eligibility:

  • This commissioning program is designed primarily for orchestras and chamber groups that have a record of excellence in the performance of contemporary music. Other types of ensembles with records of excellence in the performance of contemporary music may also be eligible; please inquire with the Foundation.
  • The Foundation will consider applications for composers of any nationality. United States citizenship is not required for consideration, nor is the sponsoring performing organization required to be based in the United States.
  • The commissioned works will be performed by the sponsoring organizations. The composer’s original manuscript (or, if no manuscript exists, original computer score in hard copy) will be deposited with the Library of Congress as part of the Music Division's permanent collection

For more information, or to apply, click here.

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